Holiday. After going through hellish exam, i finally can have well deserved break from books and notes. Even until now, i still have nightmare about the exam, traumatize ( err, drama queen anyone?) and heavier than ever! After the exam, i gained about 1 kilo O.o!!!!! Stupid chocolate( yet still tasty), redbull (give u power!) and excessive food (err, mostly my fault)!
I dont know about other, but for this holiday i planned to go to the place where the temperature can be as low as -4 degree Celsius. Nope, i dont want to be a polar bear and nope, i dont plan to go there just to make ABC. Yup, i know it sound stupid but still, i gotta experience "everything" rite? So yeah, i will go for a snow/ski trip on July 3rd for 3D/2N at Snowy Mountain. This trip cost a bit but for the sake of experience..... Snowy Mountain = snow + mountain = mountain with snow!Cant wait for it! I'll will update my blogwith more picture of my trip later~
In the mean time, i will spend my time sleeping, watching anime and playing games. For the winter season in newcastle, playing outside your well heated room is not a good choice u know. Oh well, i wanna sleep now, so until next time!
P.S. I have include shout box in my blog. Please try it ok!
The end..
14 years ago
abes la frendy... ur on a never ending slope u know, ur weight is gonna increase more and more if u dont exercise!! takpe la, nnti u'll go faster when u go skiing hehhe!
LOLOLOLOLOL at syafik's comment!!! XD
haha...drama queen??hey...mane boleh amek my title!!btw..u have a very important mission at snowy mountain tu remember??? :P
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