In this blog, i wanna talk(or write) bout the Way of the Force in star wars ( for nerd) or Med study in newcastle (for non- nerd). For 1st sem, we have 3 paper and 1 elective, total 40 credits ( not like digi prepaid or sewaktu dgnnya.... but study credits). So, we have about 18 -22 hours of class per week!
INFO1010 ( IT) this class is damned good, u practically just go there & stare that 24" LCD screen! Probablity of passing: 99% ( some idiots just too lazy to copy paste few thing for the assignments).
Absolutely recommended for those who just want a pass in their elective without much work!
MEDI1011 (Professional Practice) is one of the most interesting one as we can go to the hospital and learn to communicate with real patient. I hope no one will be attracted to me due to my charm and sexy voice ( Level of x sdar diri= unlimited!). However, this paper also include ethics and laws( damn boring.. for god sake, i just want to sleep!), Aussie healthcare system ( not much use in malaysia though), infection control, etc.
MEDI1012 (Med sci) also good as it only involve hard facts (is there such thing as soft facts? i wonder...) and straight up science. To be honest, this is my favourite paper of all!
MEDI1013 ( Public health) is the most excruciatingly painful and hell like experience, more horrible than u ever imagine. Its like someone tell u a joke and u didnt get it! All the words and statistic drive me to the town.. and have some burger! Ok, stop the lame joke! Btw, it is so intense, i fell asleep in the lecture! During tute ( aussie call tutorial "tute" with no apparent reason, maybe bcuz during tute ur mind goes blank and the 'tuuuuut' sound when ppl die juz keep echoing in the mind) i swear that im seeing a bunch of alien talking something as i dont understand a freakin sentence they said! Maybe i should call the man in black..... They come from the outer space and want to destroy us~ Ok, maybe i exaggerate a bit but u know what i mean. If u r ex- taylorian, u can imagine PH as Malaysian studies but triple that pain baby!
Luckily, the Hasnat( lecturer from bangladesh) guy has the same aura like me and understand the importance of joke ( bad guys called our joke lame... shame on u!) to the world peace! Finally, my company has branched out internationally~ How do u like that, bad people!
As i said earlier, i have bout 20 hours of class and monday is the most hated day of the week as I have 6.5 hours of lecture and 2 hours of tute! the other day is ok and weekend we have no class.
Ok la, i want to sleep and forget about the torture that the aliens give it to me mentally just now ( ie PH tute). Gonna update my blog later with more picture!
Take care guys!
From the guy that just now being mentally rape by the freakin aliens....
Im truly sorry if any of my word offend u in any way. I just feel like rant my emotion out!
I like this - keep on blogging=D And yeah cam mangkuk je that guy on your physiology book lol @.@
and guess what? that book also have a copy in tan sri loy hean heaong i taylor's college, main campus. hohoho... nice pic what? i wonder if frendy can do that (or atif ke? wth)...
well, i guess the one who is bad is the one who influence others to indulge themselves in the world of lame jokes? q#.#p and syed seems addicted to it... yucks...
just 16-22 cdt hours per week? everyday i got 25 cdt hours. not bad eyh? the hectic feeling? all the best!
It seem my successor in Taylor, subang jaya (ie syed) going pretty well. Nice~
Spread the joke baby~
oh gosh frendy.. u really got offendd by the people(might be me) critising ur lame jokes heh~ anyway pls dont compared urself to hasnat..his jokes are real jokes which are absolutely far better than urs..huhuhuh..anyway..ur joking skills is improving..u manage to makes me laugh(a bit) when u say "hope no 1 at the hospital'll attracted to my charm n sexy voice"..wth!!! frendy? charimg? sexy voice?? really dont get that!!! but still its funny~
Hee, i never get offended when ppl critising my joke. It for fun and for the world peace~
Btw, plz leave ur name when commenting ok? I dont want any random guys ( maybe my stalker, hehe) reading my "private" blog~
anonymous=ain, cant open my id..katenye passowrd not valid!! what!!!! or frendy did u blacklist my id?? ha?ha?
hey hakim, boleh ah =.=
*jatuh gedebuk*
Oh fuggit =.=
I thought I left a comment already? hm
dah agak dah. nvmd atif, at least you know where u r standing (or jumping, perhaps?!)
heheh! martini tu bku physio eh fren? buku physio aku (sherwood) pong same arh, gmbar pompuan tgh lompat maen beach volleyball.. (rite now some people ar thinking about obscene pictures...) hahaha!! and seriously frendy, how can ur lawak be so insipid...
hey...just wondering how much did u bought that dorlan??? what we call in malaysia as in my college, baby dorlan(coz it's small), i get it for rm25(for the normal one) and they'r selling for rm65 for the leather cover. for papa dorlan(coz it's damn heavy and big) they'r selling for 95-100 somthing. not realy sure coz not interested to buy that papa dorlan. so how much u bought it eh?? btw here in sem 1 we use marrieb.
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