Its name is International House, block 6 and 70% aussie, few american, korean and me! Lol, and i think girls>guys in term of population. Really now, am i the only one thinking that man started to extinct? Where is the love?
Okay, this is the common aka living room. As u can see, there is a bottle of empty beer there but try to ignore it okay. And no, im not the one that drink it ( stop thinking like that will ye, it hurt my strawberry like heart *.*). ANy how, we have made in china DVD player ( gosh, there is a lot of that thing here.. GO-LO!), bean bags,sofa, TV, heater tea, table and... WTH, u all can see for urself! This is the place for us to hang out, watch TV (well, mostly cricket) and the dorm meeting ie the socializing place!
Next, this is the kitchen. It have complete basic cooking utensil, and endless supply of food on the table! Every time i go to the kitchen, there will be pie ( there is an apple pie on the table up there, wohoo!), biscuit or chips. Hell yeah, hands up for the free food! Btw, if u notice something were posted on the cupboard, it is the resident name + job of the week.
This is the left wing, which my room is situated. As u can see, the door before the fire extinguisher is the toilet and the rest are rooms, 5 to be exact. The white door is the emergency exit, and my room just right side of the door. Hehe, easy escape baby! 2 aussie and 2 american lives in this wing, and including me, there are 2 guys and 3 girls.
This is the toilet... A co-ed toilet * oh, i felt something nasty on your mind rite now* . Well, yeah, it is coed but not to say boy & girl take the shower at the same time ( but can take the toilet and shower at the same time! hehe, always happen). But dont worry guys, i have yet to do ANYTHING yet... *err, evil aura just leak out*
Last but not least, my small, prison cell like room. Sorry for the mess but i just finished doing my med sci assignment. very comfortable, about the size of middle room in ridzuan and with internet connection too. This is where most of my "youth" being wasted off by sleeping and sleeping some more. Do u know, even if it is summer, it is damned cold night( avril song) and day here. it just perfect for sleeping!
Uh, a disease called laziness just struck me. Oh well, for next time, i will tell u bout the forest in newcastle aka my campus. so, stay tuned and give some feedback! Btw, dont comment bout my grammar though, i know its suck :(. Cheers!
owh, not bad at all, that place is what i mean. well, seems u r 'enjoying' yourself being there, aite? hehe... be aware fren. people changes due times, hence be aware...
well, where's the pixies of the people of the house? we are looking forward to see it (kay, syed, ash) and we are so eager to comment on it. ngeh3x...
fren, kau adalah daging yang mati if we expose to them who u really are!!!!!
Lol, they like already know all bout my "style" so dont worry bout it :P.
Ill be posting up their pic soon, dont worry!
frendy, mane pet biawak kamu?? tak nampak pon dlm bilik....
Frendy!!! haha :P
post banyak banyak ehh?
OMG frendy...dlm blog pon u still wanna make lame jokes..WTH~ i cannot take it anymore...u tell lame jokes everywhere n whats worst is u tell the same lame joke...strawberry-shape heart? betik gile~~~ plss laaa its not romantic at all..its corny in fact...and 1 more..its a damn cold nite(avril song)?? hahahaahah lameeeeee duh~
Hm . Good Job !! jangan lupa kami di sini malaysia... skype me ... frankly_boboy
Have you ever thought of me when you first posted this?....
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