Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My "At-Last-I-Am-Not-Sick" Away~

LOL, as Atif pointed out in his comment, I do get sick a lot during winter. But enough about that, winter already passed and spring has sprung~

well, today IH organised a stranged named event called Sex, Drug, and Rock&Roll. Before u think about something weird *yeah, you that reading this thing rite now* this event main purpose is to create awareness to the students about those thing. It kinda awkward though when i go to the dining hall and saw all these STD ad. And the most interesting thing when u go to this event is that u can get a free condom! How cool *again, stop with your dirty thinking* is that. Alas, Im just too damn busy(LOL) and didnt go to the event(but i take a peek at it though).

Crap, I need to finish my work. Luckily the renal system block is quite relaxing (LOL... again) and easy (yeah rite...). Got to go now! I have tute tumorrow from morning to arvo!


Anonymous said...


Frendy I like reading ur posts seyh, buat aku ketawa je XD (huhu and i've been needing those lol=p)

"Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll" - hmmmm, a very suspicious combination of words, especially in the latter wasn't referring to music LOL. Tsk tsk.

Capik! said...

hahahha! dah byk dpt free condoms ><;
asal ko tk participate frendy?? bkn ko suke ke bende2 cmni? heheehhe, and renal is easy?? damn u and ur smart brain...

Frendy F said...

hee, bukan senang la tapi workload kurang sikit. BTW, sy x participate cuz kena siapkan kerja-_-||

Atif said...

kalau kamu ada masa free, then TAAAGGG!!! (check blog saya)