Due to certain people that kept blackmailing me(well, its not that serious but u got the point), finally im ready to continue writing blogs which talk mainly about myself and myself only (please, don't shoot me) but also the life in UNCLE (abbreviation for Uni of Newcastle duh!). For my first post, i will summarized what happen since my last post so here we go!
First of all, the workload this year seem to increase compared to last year which totally ridiculous to me. WTH, i thought they will significantly decrease as the economic meltdown happen! i know that is a really stupid comparison so just forget the first few sentences that u read just now ok :)
Secondly, i moved to new unit! Before this i lived in block 6 but right now im in block 11 which is the last block of IH. The good thing is that most resident here are not the rowdy type so i have a great time sleeping.. no wait, i mean studying and uh... sleep? I lived in 5 room unit which consist of 2 korean(m & f), 1 american(f),1 aussie(f) and me!
Moreover, I finally got myself a gym membership! hurrah! Now bow before me!
Damn, someone just hit me with oversize potato and saying something about im going crazy just now. Can u believe that!
Ok ok, joke aside im really getting pumped up with all this exercise things ESPECIALLY after going through cardiovascular system WHICH scared me a little bit. Yeah, i guess any normal person will be scared with the fact that *warning, science content* we developed fatty streak at early stage of life which can turn to atherosclerosis sometime in your life if u just spent almost half of ur day in front of your laptop/tv/pc/brick/cat/pic of yourself/alien/whatever (to sum it all=sedentary) resulting in high LDL level in your body. To know more, please refer to Robbin's Textbook of Pathology.
On average, i went to the gym at least 4 times a week and spend at least 50 minutes per session. Someone just ask me what the hell im doing in the gym. I tempted to say that i went there to eat but because im a "good" guy, let me tell u. I usually went there for gym class, cardio(threadmill etc) and weightlifting. Oh, and before u ask me to send my new "tough" pic, please be realistic ok~ Its absolutely impossible to get into that level in short of time!
Lastly, i just wanna inform u guess that im being mugged! I know, its terrible... Those damn mozzies(mosquitoes) just take away my blood without my informed consent! Lately, their attack becama more and more ruthless! not to mention the hot dry night for the past few days! ok then, i guess thats enough for now. See u (well, im not seeing u tecnically but screw that) again!
Yippie ka yeh!
ps: I finally get ECG done on myself and i get a VERY GOOD READING from it! Thats one less think to worry about :) plus, i got to see live angiogram being done! Cool~