Every beginning has its end. Thus, to commemorate the fun and exciting year we have in International House, a grand event was held at The Panthers, Newcastle. This is the biggest, must-not-miss evant that cost a fortune.. that is, the IH 2008 Farewell Dinner!
At 5.00pm, we gather around the courtyard for college photo ( Errm, i'll post it when they ready) and pre-party socializing. All guys look handsome(no, im not GAY!) with formal wear and the ladies, err, lets just say they dressed to kill( u know what i mean... gosh, i wonder how much they spent for the dress and hair...). Anyhoo, the IH resident looks great!

This is me and Han at the IH courtyard.
When we arrived at the Panthers, im quite surprised how grand this event is. This is the video during the "socializing time" at the event.
and this is the picture during performance of IH residence.

LOL, the most stupid thing in this event was the academic awards. For some reason, all the med student get this award and they put the picture of the recipent on the big screen! LOL for the facebook picture~ Needless to say, almost all of my housemates gets some kind of awards!
Picture of me and Shin

After all the "formal event" ended, now its time to be entertained by hired performer and danced away!

At 11.30pm, the bus came and picked us up. For those that want to continue partying, they were sent to the Custom House as our college had booked the first floor. For me, im not too keen with partying (exam is just around the corner for God sake!) so i took another bus that head straight to IH. I must admit it was a fun night and a good stress killer. Alas, before i went to sleep, i read a bit about the kidney...
Morning after that, the college started to become noisy again due to the Recovery Day. Well, it is basicly just a drinking and having fun day. However, due to the exam, i missed the event( huhu, the obstacle course looks fun...) and did some studying instead (yeah, boring, i know). God i hope they can keep it down (ppl keep shouting for some reason... dont ask me why, i dont know). Well, break over, im off to study!